Saturday, March 12, 2011

Book it! Book Review

This inspiring book by new author Pervis Taylor called Principles of Pervis is a great read for the coming of age trying to find yourself generation. It encourages young reader to pay attention to their lives and enjoy each and every day. Pervis takes this book and breaks it down into different topics for each day of the month that are meant to be meditated on to discover a deeper meaning into who we are as people. .Some of the most uplifting and mind opening quotes from this book are, “The root determines the fruit. Always look at a person’s core.” This is great advise for the evaluation of the people in and around our lives who may be holding on just because they have always been there. Change for the better. One of the best statement Mr. Taylor made was, “How you obtain is the same way you maintain.” This is something that people rarely even pay attention to, we always want to get something but never worry about how we will keep it after we get it. While reading this I felt like the author was coaching me through learning how to be happy with myself and at the same time defining what I want my success to look like. This is a must have book for the summer, you can give it as graduation gifts, summer reading book list, or even putting it on the list for your monthly book club. You can download this book on you kindle or get the kindle app for free at Can’t wait to see what Mr. Taylor is coming out with next this is one of the names that you should remember in the coming years.

1 comment:

  1. “The root determines the fruit. Always look at a person’s core.” You have to now a days because so many people are wolves in sheep clothing Or angels in disguise.
